a staple of life...

a staple of life...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

brand new

Let freedom right today i set my free. I got over a pain in the butt. Name Adam Lol that the first time i said he's name. I dreamed of how we would end up together and he would take me away from all my troubles. but it okay what is good is that is not a repeat of the other 10 men i have been doing that is why i have decided i do not know what love is. What is love anyway is it a magical feeling or is it just someone you can talk with. I don't know I dreamed of all these amazing things/

i have discovered things about myself the last few days.

1. I blow everything out of proportion
2. your life can change in seconds.
3. if you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future you pee on the present.
4. You can love some with all your heart feel like you are going to die and let go of them and
come out as a stronger women.

I have discovered that men are not heaven and earth that marriage does not solve all problem and dating although extremely fun in no wise is a stress reliever. I have discovered that when you world is falling apart sometimes it the simple answers that pull you together. like a movie you love or that friends that keeps coming around no matter how much you cause her pain. Because that what sisters do. lol (Josie, Shari)

I have figured out that the church, boy , family scriptures are great but unless you love your self you life we'll suck.

2 dreams of my died today at the same time. But a dream came true. I have dreamed about going school but because of the emotions and baggage i was not able to so i have let that dream go does it hurt yes, it does but i need to be stable before i put my stress in my life

i know i sound like a quote board but that how i feel Sometimes when the pain does not leave is because it is supposed to be there.


Diane said...
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Diane said...

I loved #3 ROFL!!!!!! I laughed so hard!!!! Come see my blog: http://dianessuperduperblog.blogspot.com/